miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010


william Shakespeare was born in april born in april of 1564 in the village of stratford-upon-Avon in Warwickshire. Shakespeare`s, came from a family of yeomen, and he gained mny prestigious positions un the community. Shakespeare`s mother, Mary Arden, came from an ancient family of landed gentry. The whole family was Anglican. The family`s financial situation was well off. Not much information is known about Shakespeare`s youth, although undoubtedly he was educated in the loal school, where he studied Latin and Greek, among other subjects.

Shakespeare`s first exposure to the theter ocurred whn he was young. As a child his father took him to see plays when traveling troupes of actors came to town.

Shakespeare`s was married to Anne Hathawar in 1582, when he was 18; she was 26, eight years his senior. The marrieage certificate was issued on nocember 27,1582. Anne was the daugther of respected yeoman farmer. William and Anne had their first child, Sussanna, in may of 1583. this was followed by the birth of twins, Hamnet and Judith, in january if 1585.

The first written reference to Shakespeare`s existence in London ocurred in 1592, when Shakespeare was in his late twenties. He seems to have been fairly well established in the theatre by that point, since the reference, written by another playwright, hints of jealousy at Shakespeare`s sucess.

With his twi patrons, the Earks of South Hampton and Pembrooke, Shakespeare rose quickly in the theather as both an actor and an author. he joined theLord Chamberlin`s Men, an acting company which was protected by the quen, becoming a shareholder and senior member in 1595. Because of his sucess in London, he was able to purchase New Place, the largest and most elegant house in his home town of stratford, when he was in his early thirties(1597)

 In addition to his popularity as both an actor and playwright, shakespeare became joint awner of the famous Globe theater when it opened in 1599. His share of the company`s management added heavily to his wealth.

Shakespeare`s financial sucess in the London theatre enabled him to retire and return to his home in Stratford around 1610. He lived there comfortably until his death on April 23, 1616. He is buries in Holy Trinity Church in Stratford-upon-Avon.

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